An entrepreneur and spiritual leader? A hard-nosed finance professional and philosopher? A devoted family man and community stalwart? These terms usually describe different individuals. Harit Ratna embodies all these qualities…and more. Descriptors aside, the life mission—to build a business community where everyone is uplifted.

His work ethics defines the parameter of continuous record-breaking success of Drishti Group. His commendable dedication towards work and maintaining excellent employer employee relationship has resulted in the smooth flow of the business.

One great quality of him as a truly great director is that he needs to say something new always innovative. It may be through the bringing together of ideas previously formed, even by other people. It may be through seeing another’s idea through a different lens. It may be the level of polish and precision that is brought to the vision, or that the tools used to tell the story that are different. Either way, originality is key to a his greatness.

Harit Ratna

Driven By Values, Delivering On A Vision.